File (dump) exchange system


Hooray. Now we have a way to own some money on our web-site! Now, in order to use our calculators services, probably, you don’t need to put the money on your account.
You can earn them yourself!

If you have popular dumps (files), that can be interested for some users on our web-site (and there are a lot of them!), you can publish them in our fileexchange system. To do that you need to fill special form for file uploading. Describe your file as detailed as possible so it was clear what exactly you are selling.

After administrator checks your file, this file would be published in the common directory.

Attention! Publishing rules allows publishing only dumps in popular programmers format or just “.bin”. Dumps has to be packed into ZIP or RAR archive.


  • dumps, that are generated by calculators of our web-site;
  • applications (EXE);
  • viruses;
  • documents like WORD, EXCEL etc.;

Also there file can be declined if cost is too low.

You also accept there is no way to withdraw the money from your account. The money you earn here you can use to buy other dumps or for services within our web-site.